
Tuesday 19 November 2013

Gospel Acts Marriages Crashing! Mike Abdul’s Wife, Flo’s Wife Pack Out Of Home

                                         Flo                                                Mike
Mike Abdul of Midnite crew and Flo Nathan-Akinremi are the rave of the moment as far as gospel music is concerned. But sadly, the two now have one thing in common aside being good friends. They are both separated from their wives. Few weeks ago, Mike Abdul denied he was ever having any issue with his wife, and even cursed the few bloggers that came up with their story. But when the truth will unfold, his wife, Vivien Stephens, another gospel singer, proved that she was still very much a child of God, by refusing to lie and confirming to an online publication, that indeed things have gone bad between herself and her husband and she is now living happily as a single lady.
Sadly, Flo Nathan Akinremi has also gone the way of Abdul. His marriage separation became glaring at the just concluded MEGA Awards, where Flo won 6 awards. Flo somehow missed the awards ceremony, and his wife, who was also an invited guest, was present at the occasion but refused to pick any of the 6 awards won by her husband. They kept calling his name whenever he won, but she refused to move an inch, she just remained on her seat and kept looking, a source said.
Here is what Mike said on his Facebook page before now, when he denied the divorce allegation.

“My name is Mike Abdul. You don't really know the devil's tricks until he plays it on you. May the conscience of evil doers be their judge. When they seek honour, they will not find it. They will not lack shame and misfortune in their generation. They and their supporters shall partake of immense losses. Olu-Famous, Naijapals, Nigerianfilms and all bloggers and media places that have risen to do me evil shall be plagued with evil for the rest of their days. Amin.”

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